Seeing spots this month on your Atlanta commercial property?
If you’re not looking at a very modern, artistic sculpture or checking out the giraffes at the Atlanta Zoo, then seeing spots right now probably isn’t a good thing, unfortunately.
The spots, circular lesions, blisters or patches on your Atlanta commercial property might be located on your tree or shrub leaves or lawn blades, and they aren’t very pretty.
In fact, they detract from the lush, green landscape vista—not to mention can be harmful to the future of your landscape investment.
These undesirable plant diseases favor wet, humid conditions and warm temperatures like Atlanta’s been experiencing lately. Though we’re used to drier conditions, this year has been moister than normal, which creates the perfect situations for these plant diseases to form and linger longer than welcome.
There are two typical spots you might be seeing on the plants in your landscape this month.
Leaf spots
Tree and shrub leaves rustling in the wind on a warm summer day set a desirable green scene. Blotched and scorched leaves just don’t provide the same welcoming feeling. In fact, they might even give off more of a “Stay Away” or “Keep Out” message.
Most of the time, leaf diseases are anthracnose, a common disease that causes Atlanta and East Coast commercial property managers to see spots. The infection usually begins in leaves and then can spread to twigs and branches, causing dieback. In this area, the plant disease is most common on moist or wet sites. Unfortunately, shade increases the risk of infection.
Trees most susceptible to anthracnose include dogwoods, sycamores, white oaks and black walnuts. HighGrove can help you protect your high-value trees with proper mulching, pruning, watering and fungicide applications.
Root rots
Sometimes spots and plant diseases are visible a little lower. Root rot, for instance, is a fungus that attacks hardwood and softwood trees and shrubs that are weakened from pests or drought or other extreme weather conditions. Unfortunately, this root rot can even attack healthy trees and weaken them, opening them up to a host of other insects and diseases.
Root rot starts by slowing plant growth and then causes yellowing leaves that eventually fall from the plant. Further investigation will show blackened or limp roots with limited healthy white roots.
While proper planting and drainage help limit root rot, any plants that become waterlogged for hours can be susceptible to the disease.
Avoiding over-watering, particularly tree trunks or plant bases, as well as not over-mulching or over-fertilizing during wet, warm months can help limit rotting roots.
Seeing spots
Blotches or blemishes on trees and shrubs are never welcome sites. Not only do these plant diseases affect your property aesthetics, but they can negatively impact your property value as well.
HighGrove’s commercial property maintenance experts can diagnose common Atlanta diseases and remake your Atlanta commercial property. We can provide an effective management plan to restore and retain plant health and longevity, keeping your property thriving and maintaining its worth.
Give us a call anytime at 678-298-0550 or use our simple contact form for a free consultation.