No one wants to hear something they need isn’t in the budget.
To prevent that from happening with your Atlanta commercial landscaper, you need to create a solid budget that includes everything you need now and also addresses your long-term goals.
We are smack dab in the middle of budget season.
When it comes to figuring out your commercial landscaping budget for 2016, do your best to avoid making these six budgeting mistakes to ensure your property’s landscaping gets the attention and care it deserves — all year long.
Mistakes To Avoid With Your Commercial Landscaping Budget
There are several components that go into a budget, and it can be easy to let some things fall between the cracks in the process if you’re not careful. So, make sure you avoid these mistakes when you’re creating a budget for your commercial landscape.
1. Not Allowing For Material Cost Increases
Step one: Question last year’s budget. You may have priced you-name-it last year, but you can’t assume the cost will be the same amount this season.
Just like with everything else, you need to consider price inflation for plants and other materials. If not, you’re going to be short on money and have to pull from another budget to cover the costs.
2. Not Thinking Long Term
You may only need a few pallets of plants installed now, but what about in a few months when it’s time for the change out? Or, what if some plants are damaged and need to be replaced?
Don’t just think about what your landscape needs at the moment but what it’s going to require for the rest of the budget timeframe.
3. Not Budgeting for Irrigation Changes
When you’re having the turf and shrub areas renovated, make sure you budget money for any needed irrigation system changes.
With new plants and designs come new watering needs. That might include moving current fixtures or adding components controllers or rain sensors for different zones.
4. Not Taking Note Of Landscape Liabilities
Safety should be top of mind when creating your landscaping budget to decrease liability issues.
Include services in your budget to fix dangerous areas like uneven turf, damaged sidewalks, overgrown plants that block hidden objects and unlit spots on the property.
5. Overlooking Necessary Services
When making your list for your budget, make sure you don’t forget these often overlooked services. Some of the most commonly overlooked landscape maintenance services include:
Detention and Retention Pond Maintenance
Unless you want runoff issues on your site, you need to make detention and retention pond maintenance a part of your budget plans. You’re responsible for keeping your ponds up to code and following regulations, and part of that is proper maintenance.
You can install native plants around the pond, maintain nearby landscape and plants, aerate turf and clear debris to keep the pond working.
Large Tree Care
Older, larger trees require more maintenance and service time than newly installed plants. They will require more pruning and care, so you need to consider that when creating your budget.
You can’t just keep the amount for tree maintenance the same each year. Plus, larger trees can begin to cover up signage and lose their aesthetic appeal. So, you’ll need to take that into account when working on the budget.
Plant Replacement
Nothing lasts forever, and that includes your plants. Eventually, they are going to need to be replaced. If you leave them too long, they will begin to look tired, unhealthy and unattractive.
Your budget should include the cost of plant removal and replacement.
Irrigation Maintenance
Irrigation systems can make your landscape more efficient — but only if they work properly. Put budget dollars toward regular maintenance, repairs and upgrades.
Components like wires, valves and spray heads don’t last forever and can become damaged through the year. You want to make sure you have the funds in place to replace them.
Upgrading your system with advanced technology — like smart sensors and sensors — can improve how well it works and even lower your utility bills.
6. Not Prioritizing Focal Points
What takes precedence at your commercial property will mainly depend on what’s important to you and what your long-range plans are for the landscape.
Some important spaces to prioritize in your budget include:
- entrances
- focal points
- amenity areas
- signage
These are highly-visible places people will see and remember. Creating a list ordering what’s most important to you will show you where to allocate money and also help the landscaping company better meet your needs.
Hire A Commercial Landscaper That Won’t Make Mistakes
You need a commercial landscaping company you can trust to give you the right plan and numbers for your property.
HighGrove Partners will walk you through each service, costs, landscape enhancements and how they can help you reach your goals — and develop an accurate budget.
Give us a call at 678-298-0550, or use our contact form to hear from oe of our experienced team members.
Last modified: June 3, 2021