A recent survey done by Kingsley Associates asked multi-family residents what they think about outdoor amenities in their apartment communities. While different types of outdoor amenities vary between low-rise suburban to high-rise urban settings, all residents seem to enjoy and seek out communal outdoor spaces that foster social interaction.
The study showed that one of the most desirable outdoor amenities is ornamental green spaces.
Gardens Are Quiet Mental Retreats
Garden areas, whether rooftop or courtyard-style areas, are in high demand. They are a quiet retreat for today’s student or business professional. With the hectic lifestyle most people live in today’s society it is becoming more and more important to find ways to reduce stress and handle our ever increasing work loads. Relaxing in a swing, park bench or even a hammock surrounded by a lush green space for just 30 minutes at the end of a long hard day can do wonders for a person physically and mentally.
Attracting Wildlife
Ornamental green spaces attract birds and other wildlife which can be observed and enjoyed by residents. Have you ever seen a mother bird feed her young or observed a hummingbird returning time and time again to drink from a hummingbird feeder? These things help us put life into perspective and enjoy it for what it really is a opposed to what it sometimes becomes to us from our daily grind.
Water Features
The incorporation of water features into these areas is an extremely attractive amenity. Fish ponds, fountains, lily ponds, reflective pools – these are all great mood-soothers and have a relaxing effect on residents.
The sound of running water especially is very calming and can also help to drown out noisy surroundings.
Beautiful Swimming Pool Landscaping Is A Must
Another highly desirable outdoor amenity noted in the study is no surprise –the pool! But no longer does the “cement pond” of old suffice. Pool areas that incorporate green spaces in them are very highly desirable.
We want to spend our time in an oasis, a place to help us get away from the day to day. The use of smaller, multiple pools surrounded by lush plants, water falls, areas of filtered shade from trees, and planters with seasonal color spilling out are all elements residents desire and look for when searching for a residence. Here again, it is about relaxing in a natural setting.
Just Add Nature! And Call HighGrove
Elements from nature take the human spirit back to a place where it is deeply grounded. Providing these elements in your multi-family community can give you the upper hand in beating your competition.
The commercial landscaping professionals at HighGrove Partners can help you make this quiet oasis for your tenants a reality. For a consultation on how we can help you incorporate these elements into your multi-family community, Call us at 678-298-0550 or use our simple contact form for a free consultation!