Seasonal plant color can have a huge (and immediate) impact on your property’s aesthetic value and make it pop. It really is amazing what some well-picked and placed plants can have on your site.
And now is the perfect time for people to enjoy the outdoors and all of its lively colors.
So if you want to attract shoppers to your retail property — and increase the likelihood of their return — brighten up your landscape with bold summer colors. Here are three simple ways to maximize the looks of your retail site this summer by adding these colorful plants.
STEP 1 — Pick The Best Places To Install Plants
Before your tenants and visitors can start enjoying some seasonal color, you need to figure out where to install the plants for the greatest effect.
Choose places that are highly visible to the public for a big, immediate impact:
- Along walkways
- Parking lot islands
- Street side
- Around signage
- Near entrances
Adding color is one of the best ways to catch people’s attention and enhance your overall landscape. Remember: You don’t want to block visibility, so make sure the plants are pruned and well maintained, especially if they are near signage.
STEP 2 — Choose The Right Plants
Plants have this incredible ability to transform your retail property, taking it from the gray of winter to the lively colors of summer. Work with your landscape contractor to look for plants that not only catch your eye but also are compatible with your landscape’s conditions.
HighGrove’s Full-Sun Favorites
These are some of our favorite summer annuals for full-sun conditions:
Blue Salvia: Its light-blue color will help soften beds and add a refreshing element, since there aren’t many blue flower options.
- Dragon Wing Begonias: Available in pink and red, these flowers will make your beds look lush and full.
- Duranta: This non-flowering plant has bright chartreuse foliage that contrasts well with other annuals and turf.
- Lantana: It comes in a variety of colors and blooms continuously, even more as the heat increases.
- Marigolds: They come in yellow, orange and a mosaic of both colors, and they are a good drought-tolerant and pest-resistant option.
- Zinnias: Available in different colors, this plant’s orange variety is especially suited for summer.
HighGrove’s (Colorful) Shade-Tolerant Selections
And if you have shaded areas, that doesn’t mean you can’t still brighten them up with some colorful plants. Here are some good shade-loving plant options:
Caladiums: This non-flowering plant can be white, red and green, pink or have a speckled design.
- Coleus: It comes in a variety of shapes, textures and colors — making it a great backdrop to your shaded bed.
- Ginger: With a variegated or two-tone leaf, this plant can help add height and a wow factor to any bed.
- Green Leaf Begonias: It’s an all-season flowering annual that’s available in pink, red, rose and white.
- New Guinea Impatiens: This tropical-looking annual comes in flowering colors like red, pink, lilac, salmon, purple and white.
STEP 3 — Don’t Overlook Container Gardens
Plants don’t have to be in the ground to enhance your retail property. So if you’re looking for an easy upgrade with immediate results, consider adding container gardens to your site.
Like our plant selections above, large decorative planters are also available in a variety of colors, shapes and patterns. So, take advantage of the opportunity to make the container as much of a wow factor as the plants.
For a more modern look, you can use containers with sharp lines and no patterns. Or, complement the existing structures with containers similar in shape and design.
Planters aren’t just for aesthetic value, though. You can also use them to control your site’s traffic, draw attention to focal points like signs or create security barriers.
Container Garden Pro Tips
1. Nothing lasts forever, and that includes your containers. If they become faded, cracked or have chipped paint, it’s time to replace them. You want them to make an instant impact, not make your site look worn out.
2. Since planters are normally stand-alone features, they may not receive water from your irrigation system like the rest of the landscape. And with most commercial landscapers visiting sites once a week, you or someone on your staff may need to water the container gardens throughout the week, especially during spring and summer.
HighGrove Is Ready To Add Bold Summer Color to Your Retail Property
Make an immediate impact on your property that attracts customers with some summer color. Plants really are one of the best ways to enhance a landscape.
When you’re ready to give your retail property a wow factor, work with a professional who can show you which colorful plants will work best for your landscape/
At HighGrove Partners, we manage and enhance commercial landscapes throughout the Atlanta metro area — including installing, maintaining and replacing seasonal color. Our experienced team will make your site pop this summer and year round.
Contact us at 678-298-0550 or online to see how we can enhance your property with some seasonal color.
Last modified: May 16, 2016